9 comments on “Narciblogger Sunday: Two Years On

  1. Happy 2 year anniversary! Glad to have been able to send some readers your direction. Keep up the great writing and I’ll keep linking.



    • 🙂 Thanks rrosen- absolutely not goodbye! As long as I’m travelling and taking photos I’ll be looking for a place to share them. Thanks for coming along on the journey!

  2. Happy anniversary!

    Re the new look: it will take some getting used to, but it definitely is easier on the eyes! In the old one, I had to crank up the font size every time I wanted to read your posts, but that is now no longer necessary.

  3. Big fan of the new layout – BIG fan… I’m not a fan of white typing on black background for lots of reading. So, really like. Numbers were very interesting to browse! And thanks for the shout outs!!

  4. New look is nice and it is good to see your images so huge! What are you shooting with now anyway?

    Just may change my blog too to show off more pics. I wish you well in the journey … which takes you to so many amazing places. I will continue to travel with you vicariously.


  5. Your posts are like a basket of colorful flowers and well written short stories offered at my doorsteps at intermittent intervals. The themes are close to my heart and I appreciate the descriptive details. They express an incredibly wide range of emotions and memorable experiences.

    White background is welcome change.

  6. Hi,

    I just recently discovered your website and have really enjoyed both your writing and your photography; you have a great eye!

    I’ll be going back to read your greatest hits with a particular interest in Haiti; I spent several years there in the mid-90’s and just returned three weeks ago.

    Congrats on your two-year anniversary!

    Looking forward to many more posts and photos from you; cheers

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