Road-Trip Flashback

Currently on a little road-trip around Tasmania. Hunting for photos, relaxation, and a really good time. No, I’m not actually blogging from Tas, but posting time-release updates to keep things rolling. Hopefully you’ll enjoy the images and the odd little blurbage.

These shots are from another road-trip from another cute little corner of Australia little touted in the public eye (although for a full showcase I may write a proper article). I like the first shot of an abandoned settler’s cottage Ash and I found near the side of the highway heading north in Flinders country, in central South Australia.

This next shot is of a windmill. It was the best shot I could get on the trip- disappointing in a way as I think they are such iconic images of the Australian landscape and this was the best I could do. I’m still looking for the definitive version, but this’ll do for now.

The next shot captures for me the flavour of the Flinders Ranges, heading north towards the Oodnadatta track. I love the dry scrubby hills and barren features of the landscape.

And finally these salt flats outside of Adelaide were quite eye-catching as a feature on the landscape. I particularly loved the smooth shallow water and the way it reflected the sky.

Back soon with new stories and photos I hope!

Note: Photos and a write-up of our trip through South Australia appeared in the April 2008 issue of Australian Photography Magazine.

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