10 comments on “Sudan: A Beginner’s Guide

  1. Pingback: Development Digest – 24/06/11 « What am I doing here?

  2. Have you confused unity state with abyei in this post? You say there are negotiations over Unity but there are not, only over Abyei…

    • Hi Rachel,

      It’s possible I misunderstood the facts. I had thought that it was all of Unity State that was supposed to be allowed to determine its own future under a referendum. Was it only Abyei that was included in the CPA?


  3. Hi Tris,

    I think the post is a good overview of the situation but yes I think there has been a misunderstanding – outlined below.


    “There is, of course, the contentious Unity State. Unity- never a more
    inappropriately named location- is apparently sopping with oil, and is
    subsequently claimed by both the North and the South. Under the 2005 CPA,
    Unity’s future was supposed to be determined by a state referendum, but
    neither the North nor the South could agree on a structure to the
    referendum, particularly because the North wanted Arab nomads who crossed
    the territory to be given a vote (as they would vote to join the North)
    while the South did not.”

    This is all correct if you substitute Abyei for Unity, except for the oil –
    there’s barely any left. But there is no referendum on Unity, it is part of
    the South. It voted in the Southern referendum on the South’s independence
    in January. And it actually produces much less oil than Upper Nile now.

    There were no “SAF incursions into Unity State (Abyei) late in May” –
    although bombs were dropped on alleged Nuba forces who regrouped at Jau
    which is right on the border between Southern Kordofan & Unity.

    “Negotiations over Abyei and Unity continue.” Again, there are no
    negotiations over Unity. It is part of the south.

    • Fab, thanks for the clarifications Rachel- very helpful! Will make sure I clarify when I do an edit on the text when I get the chance. In the meantime your input will have to serve to correct people 🙂

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  5. Pingback: Sudan Conflict: A View from the Brink « Moving World

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